Home / Resources / 55 year old unemployed lady recovers £385,500 for a Mixed Dissociative Conversion Disorder [ICD 10 – F44.7] and vestibular damage suffered in a lift accident

55 year old unemployed lady recovers £385,500 for a Mixed Dissociative Conversion Disorder [ICD 10 – F44.7] and vestibular damage suffered in a lift accident


Marcus Grant (instructed by Daniel Denton of Slater & Gordon Solicitors) appeared for the Claimant. The lift in which she was travelling came off its runners and caused her acute psychiatric shock that damaged her sympathetic nervous system; she presented with symptoms akin to Diffuse Axonal Injury and chronic spinal pain and impaired balance.

On her case her symptoms were sufficiently severe to require care and case management. The Defendant accepted the headline diagnosis, but only on the proviso that she satisfied the Court that she was credible, which was not admitted. The Defendant rejected the need for any significant care, stating that it would merely reinforce her subjective sense of disability. The Claimant contended that the prognosis for further recovery following the 5th anniversary of the accident was poor. The Defendant was more optimistic. The case settled through negotiation five weeks before trial.

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