Temple Garden Chambers is a leading common law set based in London and The Hague.
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A 35-year-old panel installer recovered £4m in a negotiated settlement in respect of injuries and consequential losses sustained in a high-energy head-on car accident. Marcus Grant represented the Claimant who was left with enduring symptoms.
The Claimant sustained multiple injuries. Most of which progressed to full, or nearly full resolution with the exception of a dysexecutive syndrome pursuant to frontal lobe damage. Whilst his neuropsychological test scores were more or less normal, he presented with symptoms of a personality change.
He appeared to be relatively intact and functioned well in predictable and consistent environments which placed low demands upon him. However, as soon as any situation became more demanding or less predictable, or he was required to think on his feet, even in relatively mundane tasks, his dependence and inability to function independently became apparent. His lack of insight and judgement, anger, irritability, depressive, anxious and other symptomatology, hypersexuality, disinhibition and apathy underscoring his dysexecutive syndrome necessitated an ongoing support in his life.
The cost of that support would be significantly higher if his marriage were to fail.
The issues between the Parties were his employment prospects in life before the accident, the stability of his marriage, the level of support that he needed or would accept, whether he needed larger accommodation to meet his needs, his life expectancy and his increased risk of dementia.
The case settled three months before trial through negotiation against that evidential matrix.