Home / Archives for March 2020


H v G

A minor rear-end shunt was alleged to have given rise to brain damage and psychological injuries. A claim was made for over £3 million (primarily loss of future earnings) plus unspecified general damages. The claim was settled for £125,000 at…


P v C (2019)

Instructed on behalf of the Claimant in a claim arising out of a road traffic accident when a drunk driver lost control of her vehicle and struck her, crushing her against her front door. The Claimant suffered severe pelvic and…


H v L (Unrep)

A 32-year-old charity worker recovered £4.83m in a negotiated settlement in respect of devastating leg injuries sustained in a train accident. She was dragged along a train platform by a moving train after her rucksack became caught in the train’s closing…


Macdonald v Burton [2020] EWHC 906

Martin Spencer J acknowledged that there was a need to record expert appointments in some higher value cases to protect litigants (mainly claimants) against experts who are ‘incompetent or worse’. This case followed on from the decision in Mustard v…


Uyghur genocide and crimes against humanity case

Rodney Dixon KC is acting for the East Turkestan Government in Exile and Uyghur victims in proceedings before the ICC in respect of the alleged genocide and crimes against humanity committed by Chinese authorities against Uyghurs in ICC States Parties…


Government of Montenegro v Dr Dusko Knezevic

Instructed on behalf of Dr Dusko Knezevic, a leading figure in Montenegro, in the extradition request by the Government of Montenegro before UK courts.


Butler v Bankside Commercial Court of Appeal

In Butler v Bankside Commercial [2020] EWCA Civ 203 in the Court of Appeal Simon Browne QC successfully resisted a client’s challenge to the termination of her CFA retainer by the solicitor under the terms of her CFA for rejecting…





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