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£850,000 settlement to enable elderly client to escape care home restrictions


Richard Wilkinson represented an 81 year old client who was left immobilised by multiple injuries sustained in an unusual car accident which occurred when the driver of a Patient Transport Service vehicle she was intending to board exited the vehicle but seemingly failed to secure it properly, with the result that the Claimant was knocked down and then run over by the moving vehicle.

Liability was disputed by both the Hospital Trust and driver’s RTA insurers for 3+ years until a Summary Judgment application finally wrought a full concession on liability. As a result of the serious injuries sustained the Claimant had been resident in a state care home following discharge from hospital and Covid restrictions had left her isolated from her family and unable to access rehabilitation. Her life expectancy was also significantly compromised such that urgent resolution of the proceedings was a priority if she was to enjoy the benefit of her own accommodation and care regime in the final years of her life.

Settlement was achieved at a JSM and was approved by Master McCloud.  Instructed by Michael Wangermann at Ashtons Legal.

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