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Inquest into the death of Janet Scott, a woman who was murdered by her ex-partner Simon Mellors (SM). William Irwin represented the National Probation Service (NPS), part of the Ministry of Justice.
At the time he killed Mrs Scott, SM was on life licence after he murdered a previous partner. As a result, SM was subject of supervision by NPS.
The inquest found that there were multiple failures by the probation officer charged with supervising SM; and that those failures were causative of Mrs Scott’s death. That probation officer was separately represented at the inquest.
The inquest did not accept that any systemic failures by the NPS were causative of Mrs Scott’s death, though the coroner did find that the NPS team responsible for managing SM was overworked at the time of Mrs Scott’s murder.
The coroner made detailed findings of fact and reached a short form conclusion of unlawful killing. He decided that he did not need to make a report to prevent future deaths.