Temple Garden Chambers is a leading common law set based in London and The Hague.
With excellence from top to bottom Chambers provides a first class service in a number of different fields.
£640,000 settlement of a TBI claim involving abdominal injuries.
C was a 59-year-old cleaner from Nepal. she sustained severe abdominal injuries that rendered her effectively bedridden for the first 2 years post-accident.
After that she became increasingly mobile and then developed secondary liver complications. There was a dispute between the parties as to whether they were attributable to her accident injuries and prolonged enforced bed rest or idiopathic.
The case was complicated by the Defendant accusing her of being fundamentally dishonest, relying on covert surveillance showing her as being more active and independent than she reported to its experts.
Further, it relied on the interpretation by its psychiatrist of alleged failure of PVTs on neuropsychological tests administered and on allegedly malingered answers provided in response to personality screening tools.
Given that these were administered through an interpreter, it gave rise to considerable caution as to whether the Defendant’s psychiatrist had stepped outside the bounds of his expertise.
The case settled through negotiation against the backdrop of multiple risk issues between the parties.