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Y v M


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£1.8m settlement for 62 year old man who sustained multiple injuries in motorcycle accident.

In 2015 the Claimant, who had recently set up his own business restoring vintage motorcycles, sustained life-changing injuries when knocked off his motorcycle and then run over by other vehicles whilst lying in the road. His most serious injuries included a significant degloving injury to the perineum resulting in permanently impaired bowel function, a clinically moderate – severe brain injury and fractures of the pelvis resulting in persisting urinary incontinence. However the most serious injuries were to the Claimant’s legs, particularly his left foot and ankle. He was left with severely impaired mobility, requiring crutches to mobilise indoors and a wheelchair when outdoors. Various surgical attempts to improve the mobility and pain in his ankle had been unsuccessful. Although he had recently gained some benefit from a bespoke “Momentum” brace, the Claimant was left with a significant risk of needing to undergo an amputation either below, through or even potentially above the knee. Due to his inability safely to manage stairs the Claimant required adapted, single storey accommodation. Other complicating factors in the assessment of the claim included arguments about the impact of injuries upon the Claimant’s life expectancy and uncertainty as to the timing of any future amputation that may be required.

The claim was settled at a JSM. Richard Wilkinson was instructed by Amber Braybrooke at Slater and Gordon on behalf of the Claimant.

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