Mini Pupillage

Temple Garden Chambers is committed to providing excellent training for the barristers of the future.

We recognise that the continued success of the Bar and our Set of Chambers depends upon the people we recruit and how we prepare them for taking on their own practice. It is with this in mind that we currently offer a set number of mini-pupillages each year.

This page contains further information about mini pupillage at Temple Garden Chambers. To navigate to a particular section, please click on the dropdowns below.

Temple Garden Chambers offers a set number of mini-pupillages each year. Our mini-pupillages allow  prospective applicants for pupillage to see the work that we do, and gain an insight into life as a barrister at Temple Garden Chambers. It is also an opportunity for us to meet you.

Mini-pupils are usually invited into Chambers for three days, and will spend the majority of that time shadowing barristers throughout their working day.

A typical mini-pupillage will include attendance at court and/or client conferences, as well as opportunities to see the paperwork that we do. This will not normally include Treasury Solicitor Panel work, due to its particular sensitivities.

We do not operate a system of formal assessment of mini-pupils. We do not require pupillage applicants to have undertaken a mini-pupillage with us, but we do encourage all prospective applicants to apply for a mini-pupillage.

Temple Garden Chambers is committed to promoting equality and diversity within the legal profession. We are proud to work with several schemes that share our aims.

Chambers is a proud supporter of Bridging the Bar, a charity committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and diversity at the Bar of England and Wales. For more information or to apply, please visit Bridging the Bar’s website here.

We also support 10,000 Black Interns, an organisation working to offer 10,000 internships to Black candidates over the next five years. To apply for the scheme or to find out more details, please visit here.

Chambers also works with BDABar, Bringing [Dis] Ability to the Bar, to provide mini-pupillages to disabled aspiring barristers. More information about BDABar and how to apply can be found here.

We also support PASS, the Pegasus Access and Support Scheme, which offers mini-pupillages with travel and accommodation funding to aspiring barristers who are from under-represented backgrounds. More information on the scheme and how to apply can be found here.

More information about our commitment to promoting Equality and Diversity at Temple Garden Chambers can be found here.

Unfortunately, Chambers does not generally offer work experience placements for school-age students due to lack of capacity to accommodate the same.

Our mini-pupillages take place during the Easter and Summer university holidays, with exception of the month of August.  Applications for mini-pupillages in 2025 must be made by 20 December 2024.

As a limited number of places are available, priority will be given to those applicants who are entering their second or final year of a law degree or undertaking the BTC or GDL.

We will consider all applications after the application deadline has passed and our decision will be made in accordance with Temple Garden Chambers’ Equality and Diversity Policy.  All applicants will be informed in writing of the outcome, and successful applicants will also be allocated mini-pupillage dates.

Mini Pupillage Application Form

Whilst our mini-pupillages are not funded, Chambers does not wish potential applicants to be deterred from applying for mini-pupillage for financial reasons. As a result, Chambers operates a discretionary expenses policy to assist those who can demonstrate genuine financial hardship that would otherwise act as a barrier to undertaking mini-pupillage in Chambers.

Any individual seeking such expenses should make a request following an offer of mini-pupillage. Chambers will indicate the amount of funding it is prepared to provide prior to the commencement of mini-pupillage and payment will be made upon the completion of mini-pupillage upon provision of receipts.

Chambers will make all reasonable adjustments to accommodate candidates. The main building, which includes the reception, the clerks’ room and all the conference rooms, is accessible by wheel-chair users, and arrangements can be put in place for use of fully accessible toilets within Temple. In appropriate circumstances we will also consider requests for virtual mini-pupillages.

If you have any particular concerns or requirements about access of any sort, please contact Administration.



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