Temple Garden Chambers is a leading common law set based in London and The Hague.
With excellence from top to bottom Chambers provides a first class service in a number of different fields.
The first British legal textbook on AAEV law is published by Bloomsbury Professional today. ‘Advanced, Automated and Electric Vehicle Law’ by Alex Glassbrook describes the emerging laws of AAEVs in England and Wales, explaining
– The insurance and liability reforms of the Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018
– The wider regulatory reforms of the Automated Vehicles Bill 2023-24, set to become the Automated Vehicles Act 2024
– The range of legal practice areas affected by AAEVs, including discussions of the new public laws of vehicle safety, the actionability of downloaded software, electronic disclosure in civil litigation and the law of testing prototypes.
On the evening of Wednesday 27 March, Temple Garden Chambers will be holding a launch event in London to celebrate the publication. If you would like to attend, please email events@tgchambers.com with your name, organisation and any accessibility needs.
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